Arthur Adamo

Arthur Adamo

Full-stack web developer

Welcome! I'm Arthur, a full-stack web developer currently based in Waterloo, Ontario with over six years of experience working for Bell Canada. I have experience with both front and back-end development, with a specialization in front-end. I built this website myself to showcase my past work and some of my front-end skills.

This site is entirely responsive. Try resizing the window or viewing on a mobile device to see changes in layout. Use the top bar to navigate, to change themes or to reduce motion effects. I've also made this website as accessible as it can be.

About me

I'm a full-stack web developer with a specialty in front-end development. I spend a good amount of my free time coding and making websites such as this, but I also have professional experience with web development. A couple of case studies of my work can be seen on the respective page.

After graduating from York University with a bachelor's in computer science, I went to work for Bell Canada at their Creekbank campus. There I worked on maintaining and updating pages on, which is made up of an ASP.NET MVC application that receives hundreds of changes each day. Check the case studies page to see what I've done professionally, or the sandbox for some of my personal front-end projects.